Happy Sunday Bail Friends!!

The weather is awful across Arkansas but it was sunny and rewarding in the State of California this week. Months back we posted a $70,ooo bond for an individual on a huge trafficking charge. All was going well until he decided not to attend court when ordered to. This was a HUGE mistake, you should always go to court because the warrant for your arrest on a Felony charge is NATIONWIDE and can be made worldwide if we push hard enough.

If you happen to be reading this as a law abiding tax payer. This entire apprehension cost you $0.00 >>> this is what professional #bailbonds does. Please take the time to read Arkansas Bail Laws 16-84-201 & 16-84-207. Simply put how we are held accountable.

This $70K #bailskipper is now sitting in jail in California and will soon be extradited back to Arkansas to face his charges. If your local judicial system does not use professional bail??? They’re failing you and the entire county.

Special thank you to all involved in making this apprehension happen!!!