Happy Tuesday @everyone!!!

Just wanted to share some December court information with all of you that if you have a current case will be very helpful. During this time of year all court are trying to close out their 2024 calendars. Attorneys are trying to close cases or get them moved until after the first of the year.

One thing that is for sure ALL Sheriffs, Jail Admins and the jailers that work the jails DO NOT want a jail full during the holidays. The less people the better for all on the holidays. Thus brings us to the point>>>> GO TO COURT <<<< and be sure that you can pass drug test if called upon to take one. Trust me after 20+ years in the bail business just getting court completed and move on to family and the holidays is the goal.

This means just the act of showing up for court will bring positive results!! Many if not all cases will probably be continued until early 2025. Do not catch a warrant for FTA and find yourself in jail over the holidays. As always we will be OPEN 24/7 if you do need us.

May all of you have a very Merry Christmas!!