Hello @everyone!
Hope all of you have had a great Sunday so far. It has been a tough weekend for many with the recent storms that sadly affected so many in out local home office area. This is extra hard for many with a huge week of court starting tomorrow.
Sharp, Fulton, Izard, Stone and other surrounding counties all have courts that will be in session this week. If you happen to be a person that was affected by the recent storms and have court this week and will have travel issues>>>> please reach out to your attorney or us and we will help make sure the “clerks” know if your current situation.
We pray for all the families affected and hopefully in short time things can resume to some sort of normalcy for all.
God bless all of you and if you read this and can help in cleanup, donations or just well wishes and prayers please do. Americans come together in times of tragedy and lend a hand.
Please be safe in all your travels this week and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!
Thank you,
Jeremy Rowland/Owner